Wunderschöne Veranstaltungen

Pictures and video EC 2013
Pictures and video EC 2013 Pictures by Henk Meerman Pictures by  Esther Matthee Pictures by  Anja Michielsen Video front group Long distance EC 2013 by Sander Davidse With entire party to Neeltje Jans for the start of the 80 km…
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Results EC 2013
Results EC 2013 as PDF
European Championships 2013
EC Rowingbike 2013 Saturday, September 14, the kick-off of the European Championships Rowingbike. The artificial island Neeltje Jans, in the Oosterschelde estuary, was the setting for the 15th edition. 63 participants from 6 countries (Belgium, Slovakia, Germany, Luxembourg, France and…
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Ocean rower Ralph Tuijn
Ozeanruder Ralph Tuijn gut auf dem Weg in Australien Ralph ist bereits weit über die Hälfte seines Ruderabenteuers über den Kontinent Ralph Tuijn Ozeanruderer und Abenteurer Ralph Tuijn ist derzeit mit einem Carbon THYS 209 Ruderbike in Australien unterwegs. Er…
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European Championships 2012
Loads of pictures by Sander
Pictures and video EC 2011
Pictures by Henk Meerman Pictures by Sander Davidse Video by Andre Derksen of the criterium
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Results EC 2011
Official results EC 2011 gentlemen as PDF Official results EC 2011 ladies and open class as PDF
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Het EK Roeifietsen in de krant
Vijf polderse 'roetsers' klaar voor EK roeifietsen in Zeeland Alle ogen gericht op jong roetstalent Martijn Rempt ANNA PAULOWNA - In de polder stroomt heel wat roeifietsersbloed. Getuige de vijf en misschien zelfs zes deelnemers aan het EK roeifietsen. Vrijdag…
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European Championships 2011
Menno van Blitterswijk wins European Championship Rowingbike for the second time Menno did not get it for free; he had to do his upmost best to shake off Vincent Bouquet; the Belgium rowingbike rider who took a second place in…
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