Andere Designs

Andere Designs
Landsegeln und den Bau von Holzautos war ein frühes Hobby.

The Funbike
An other product of Thys ID, the Funbike (1992). A compact bicycle, ideal to take with you on a holiday.


Zachte stroomlijn
One of the results in the co-operation with Bram Moens of M5 recumbents , also situated in Middelburg: a soft fairing with carbon front.

CD Caroussel
The famous bar Seventy-Seven on the market place, Middelburg , NL had this cd carrousel made by Derk. It goes up and down and goes 360 degrees around. Nice detail is the large aluminum Snek and huge springs that form the…

Derk didn't only design rowingbikes. Here a barstool, designed for café "Schuttershof" in Middelburg (Derk's comment: "They're still comfortable").

Het Swingboard
A carbon board fitted with wheels without axles. The rim spins over three ball bearings. With the calf the brakes are manipulated. Fitted with thin low pressure tyres. Design: Derk Thijs/ Huibert Groenendijk Patent pending © Thys I.D.

Der Swingstep um 1990

Design im Extrem: eine feine und ergonomisch gestaltete Angelrute! Design: Huibert Groenendijk.

Maxi Cosi prototype
Several prototypes mad for Huibert Groenendijk; designer of the maxi Cosi child seat.

Jeans-Ladeninterieur für Peter Christ in Lange Delft, Middelburg, NL 1993