What rowingbikers are doing this summer

23 April 2014

By Derk Thijs Ralph Tuijn is on the road again in Australia. Ralph rides the northern route through Australia from Perth to Brisbane, approximately 7000 km. Theo Homan first attends the Ringvaart Regatta in a skiff on May 28, almost 100 km of rowing. We’re curious if he’ll be victorious for the third time in […]

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Martijn Rempt wins dragrace at Cyclevision 2012

13 April 2014

Martijn Rempt proved at Cyclevision that a rowingbike can be really fast during sprinting. And that he is the right person to demonstrate this. And vise versa, because Martijn is really fast and the rowingbike is the right tool I always had the suspicion that the rowingbike during such a short sprint should be faster, […]

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