Elektrisches THYS 209 in Entwicklung


An enthusiastic Danish rowingbiker is having his THYS 209 rowingbike adapted for electrical assistance by the Canadian company Grin technologies. Although I do not want electrical assistance myself ( any time soon :-)  i do find this an very interesting development.

Technician and test rider Justin is a kind of artist, not only in electrics but also as a monocycle rider; see how he rides his electrified & geared monocycle here;

He made a large report om the work on the THYS 209, you read it here

Justin’s design should be able to regenerate the batteries during braking, I am excited to experience how this works in actual mountain trips.

In future an e-kit for the THYS 209 and THYS 222 rowingbikes will be available. I am not sure yet if i will be offering that myself as it looks to be a hassle with government regulations etc.