Sunday 16 September 2001
The Sunday starts with the 80 kilometres race to Ouddorp on the island Goeree-Overflakkee. Battered by hard winds and scourged by heavy showers of rain a groups of four takes the lead, consisting of Ed Komen, Theo Homan, Ymte Sijbrandij and Derk Thijs. Ymte has to stop somewhere during the first 40 kilometres, because of a flat tyre. It takes a quarter of an hour before he can resume the race.
At the turning point is a stop of three minutes for all participants. After taking some energy drinks and a banana everybody gets back on the rowingbike and heads back to the finish along the same way.
In the end Ed Komen wins the race by starting the sprint at the right time. Theo Homan takes the second place, followed by Derk Thijs. Ymte Sijbrandij manages to take the fourth place, despite his back luck earlier!
The last part is the 500 metre sprint finals. Like yesterday the contestors race in couples and after a number of heats Theo Homan defeats Derk Thijs in an exciting final.
Overall winners of the EC:
1. Theo Homan
2. Ed Komen
3. Derk Thijs
1. Beb Thijs
2. Caroleen Meerman
3. Thérèse Schuit
The European Championships Rowingbike were once again a sportive and friendly event. Next year another EC will take place!
Daniel Siepman