EC 2013 Menno van Blitterswijk prolonges title

8 April 2014

September 14 & 15 september 2013, Neeltje Jans, Netherlands Menno van Blitterswijk prolongs title majestically Saturday, September 14, the kick-off of the European Championships Rowingbike. The artificial island Neeltje Jans, in the Oosterschelde estuary, was the setting for the 15th edition. 63 participants from 6 countries (Belgium, Slovakia, Germany, Luxembourg, France and The Netherlands) duringĀ  […]

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New mirror mounted on bell

8 April 2014

Exactly the right place for a mirror, on top of the bell. It is mounted very simple and thoroughly with a stainless steel ball joint attached to the bellĀ  on which the mirror joint pivots. Order in our on-line store

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Annual row congress KNRB

6 November 2013

The royal Dutch Row Union had her annual row congress in the Aegon office in De Hague on January 26 2013. 250 directors and several (top) rowers attended this congress. A nice surprise for Menno van Blitterswijk: he received a THYS 209 Carbon from Roompot Vakanties and Thijs Industrial Designs. In September 2012 Menno won […]

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World Championships Rowing 2014 on the Amsterdam Bosbaan

6 November 2013

The World Champions Rowing 2014 take place on the Bosbaan in Amsterdam. Henk Jan Zwolle (rower from the golden Holland 8) is the main representative for this event. Maybe also a place for a race for Rowingbikes? Henk Jan agrees this would be a good addition. We let the idea simmer for a while. Maybe […]

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