Peter Treffers (Germany) on the finishline.
Close finish between Andrea Klapheck (l) and Beb Thijs.
Bernadette Zevenhuizen and Derk Thijs.
European champion Hilda Hoekstra (standing) talking to Beb Thijs.
The rowingbike seems small in comparison with a great man like 2-times Olympic champion rowing Ronald Florijn.
Concentration at the start.
Bram Moens (M5 Recumbents) with carbon aero helmet.
In the front: former worldchampion windsurfing Derk Thijs and worldchampion rowing Andrea Klapheck (BRD).
Go go go!
Machiel Spui during the dragrace, one of the many “wet” rowers who wanted to keep dry for once.
Allert Jacobs, participating outside the competition on an older model Thys 220 Rowingbike.
Hard competition between the ladies. Hilde Hoekstra (left) competing against Bernadette Zevenhuizen in the dragrace.
Allert Jacobs (l) in de dragrace against Derk Thijs.
Concentration at the start of the dragrace.
The faces suggest full trottle at the start of Machiel Spui (left) and Peter van Wonderen.
“Flying dentist” Peter van Wonderen wins the dragrace by defeating Derk Thijs.
The leading group during the rally. From left to right: Norbert Schmid, Peter van wonderen, Ymte Sijbrandij, Werner de Hamer, Derk Thijs, Ronald Florijn. (picture: Joop van Houdt)
Pieter Stoter in action during the 80 km rally. In spite of missing his right leg he completed the rally.
From left to right: Henk van Koeveringe (on behalf of sponsor “de Roompot”), Derk Thijs (organiser), Ronald Florijn (prominent contestant) en Pieter Stoter (on behalf of main sponsor “Delta Nuts”).