Review Roger, USA
Roger Wilson
Hello Derk and everyone,
I experienced a flat tire 6 years ago and took another bike as I was pressed for time that day. 6 years went by before I knew it but last week I repaired the flat and wiped off the dust. It did take me a couple of km to get used to the bike again but now I'm so happy to be rowing I can't tell you. And too I am so impressed by this amazing machine. Thank you for all your hard work to make such a cool bike.
Years ago my wife said I had to test ride the bike before I could buy it. I tried but an owner who I had contacted a couple hours away kept cancelling. I did really get in trouble when my wife saw the bike but to be honest I don't think I would have bought it if I had test ridden it as it took me quite some time before I could clip in. Then even longer before I could make a turn.
This is extraordinary engineering, I really love this fantastic bike.
Roger Wilson
Sarasota FL
I experienced a flat tire 6 years ago and took another bike as I was pressed for time that day. 6 years went by before I knew it but last week I repaired the flat and wiped off the dust. It did take me a couple of km to get used to the bike again but now I'm so happy to be rowing I can't tell you. And too I am so impressed by this amazing machine. Thank you for all your hard work to make such a cool bike.
Years ago my wife said I had to test ride the bike before I could buy it. I tried but an owner who I had contacted a couple hours away kept cancelling. I did really get in trouble when my wife saw the bike but to be honest I don't think I would have bought it if I had test ridden it as it took me quite some time before I could clip in. Then even longer before I could make a turn.
This is extraordinary engineering, I really love this fantastic bike.
Roger Wilson
Sarasota FL