
Designed by Scott Olson. In sales numbers this is likely to be the most succesfull rowingbike

Carbon Rowingbike by Harm den Hollander
Harm builds and designs rowingbikes since approx. 1996. This is a very pretty and good working machine. Harm and Derk became friends and Harm helped Derk with computerdesigns of nowadays THYS rowingbikes. In the nowadays THYS bikes you can find…

Prototype by Theo van Andel approximately 1997
Theo van Andel, one of the partners in (building the quest), made this interesting rowing machine. The foot movement is very charming and keeps the bike short.

German rowingbike

French rowingbikes
The auto skiff is a very charming landrower for children that has been produced in France in the years 1920- 1930. I have found a 3 wheeled version that is now flurishing my office. If anyone can give me more…

Burning man 2012 rowing machine
This machine was used at Burning man 2012. A real nice eye catcher! See the video at:

Rowingbike by French students

Vogabike, Italy

French '' Aviroute'' rowingbike

Sculltrek also makes different types of rowingbikes that certainly have a lot of charme

French rowing bikes from Grenoble

French Rowing Bike From Stilic Design

American Land Rower

S racer rowing bike

Canadian rowing car