
30 years rowingbike party a big succes with 58 participants
At the picture you see 25 of the 28 rowing bikers who did the short tour around the island Walcheren, Zeeland, the Netherlands. This 30 years rowingbike event had 30 more participants  who did a long tour around the Oosterschelde.…
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Rowingbike on Crete
April / May 2016 a group of rowingbike riders went to Crete again. Edwin Matthee made a lot of footage of the trip, you can get a good impression of this beautiful rowingbike island on these you tube video's: see …
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30 Years Rowingbike party June, 11, 2016
Programme 30 year Rowingbike party on June, 11, 2016: For Rowingbike riders: 11.00 - 13.00 Hour: arrival participants, coffee and '' Zeeuwse Bolus''(sweet cinnamon role) 12.15 Hour: Start long tour 88 km around Oosterschelde. Break in  eetcafé de Banjaard, Zierikzee at own…
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Tidal Energy at Eastern scheldt storm surge barrier
Compensation for the loss of waterflow (due to energy harvesting) by streamlining the bottom and eventually the columns of the Oosterschelde storm surge barrier.  Crazy enough this very simple solution has not been thought of before. The  los of water…
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Bartel Lamers roetst winter elfstedentocht
Op de vraag: '' Hoi Bartel, h eb je de elfstedentocht nog geroetst?'' l aat Bartel weten: Jawel, en helemaal!!!! Ik heb al ergens gelezen dat het “de hel van 2016” werd genoemd. Ik was een van de ongeveer 400…
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Cor Zwaag doet verslag Pamplona-Santiago-Anna Paulowna:
De rit zit erop: 4000 km. in 6 weken roetsen. Waren de eerste weken makkelijk toerritjes, de terugtocht vanuit Santiago was heel andere koek. De heenreis vanuit Pamplona reed ik de zuidelijk route met hoofdzakelijk prachtig zonnig weer. Vanaf het…
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