Ideas to be realized

This simple drawing shows what it should look like in the end, a streamlined fly boat hull on 2 hydrofoils. The foils can be steered and pushed down in a rowing stroke. The angle of attack of the propelling wing can…
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Tidal energy at Oosterschelde storm surge barrier
The amount of energy running between the columns of the Oosterschelde storm surge barrier is enormous. Ever since the barrier exits I have been riding my rowingbike over it and impressed by the energy of the tides and the waves I have…
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Record bike with Snek transmission
Take a peek on this video to see the principle. Who is going to build a record fairing that is very narrow and slim in the front?  Not me , been there, done that :-), Up til now the cylindrical or…
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An ”old” design I made around 1990 (art- work Huibert Groenendijk). In the meantime- 26 years- some 2 wheeled skateboards have been made available but none af them as well functioning is this one is ( in my dreams :-) My…
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“Killer Goths” in the pavement
You probably know it, those deep gutters in the roadway with upright, sometimes centimeters high edges where, when you want to turn out at a slight angle, your bike wheel gets caught and you can then fall. Super annoying and…
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